
my Vision Quest (1/5)

my dear all,

words are missing to tell you the crazyness, the intensité and the grâce of thèse weeks in Nepal… and… I’m not sure I want to find them.

but even though, even though i won’t tell you what happened, i would dearly like to share what i have learnED on the hill. and for once, following your requests on Facebook, i will make a serie of short posts, rather than a super long one (because hey yeah, I have learnt so many things).

so let me explain a little bit… (yes i’ve just said the contrary above)

the hill is a sacred space for the local people, who gather there, burn their dead people there… play football there! we were hence hosted by this land and their inhabitants… during 8 dys, we have built an open camp under the sky, with a central and sacred fire in the middle. we slept, talked and made experimentation there. and suddenly this bunch of bamboo sticks, tarpaulins and prayer flags became the most beautiful temple of the world.

the great beauty of this expérience also lied on the group we formed. 20 people whose only link was simply to be there. We have formed a kind of spontaneous family, both magical and ephemeral. right from the start. and so strongly.

we have spent half of the time together, and half of it on our own, fasting separatly on the hill. i chose a place just at the border of the wood. when the forest is about to transform itself into a vast landscape opened to the light, the wind.

the world.


The Vision Qu’est is inspired by a Native American rite, requiring young men to go in nature, naked, without food, shelter or water until they get a vision of their future. Here is an extract of a message one of the Chamans who was looking after us, sent us one month before we left to Nepal :

“VISION QUEST (crying for a vision)

The Vision Quest is a time-honoured tradition which is not only an opportunity to gain deeper insight into the nature of the self and it’s relation to the world, but a powerful initiation into engagement with life. (…)

From my own experience of working within the traditional format of Vision Quest, I know what a deeply challenging and rewarding experience you are about to undertake and I commend your courage. I am honoured to be of support to you during this time in whatever capacity I can be of service. I recommend and ask that during the time you are on the mountain that you ask loved ones to send their prayers to you, to eat for you, to drink for you, to wash for you, and to hold you in their hearts. Trust me when I say that you can feel these forms of support, as you venture into the world of spirit. The sphere of protection and care is an important part of the journey, and one that is there to support you at times that you might need it most. If your loved ones think of you, or dedicate their, food, drink, or shower to you, then energetically you will receive this. In times of need, it is also very good to know there are those close by and far away who are doing this for you, helping you, loving you. Even the act of lighting a candle for you to guide you home can be powerful. I shall also be holding the space in the camp in this way, my prayers to you, my food to you, my water to you.


Blessings, ”


Hère we are for the présentations… I would like to begin this serie of reflexions now but a short and liminary one, to explain you my state of mind while beginning my journey “there” :

explore rather than take up a challenge 

that was essential for me because Jerry is the person at the very origin of all this trip. not just because he brought me there : he has inititated, imagined, organised, made the whole journey. it is him also who has chosen the 18 other persons. it was hence very important that i do not do the journey for him, or to please him.

I had to be the seed of my own journey.

it had to a true and personal exploration.


and also, 3 years ago, after i did that magazine Modzik, as Editor in Chief, I promise myself not to do anything that représente a challenge. I could take up so many of them. you can spend a life taking up challenges. what for? to please who? build what? it was not lacking interest but is was just not “my” path. so i promised myself never do again anything just because it was interesting or challenging. not to take satisfaction for happiness, success for achievement, i had now to build “me”. to only do that…

aha but…

who is “me”?

that is not interesting, it is just essential. isn’t it?

so i prepared my intentions, my requests. and was preparing myself to welcome the answers of the universe!

that’s it, tell me what you think about that reflexion (isn’t it short?!). maybe if we all stop willing to shine by serving goals that are not ours, maybe, we could live differently?

Let us explore! Let us be our own territory!

cheers see you tomorrow!

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