
Happy Rooster New Year


Ola que tal? This gloomy era we are living in, will not prevent me from wishing you a happy new year. Those who follow this blog know how much I love this specific moment. 

Like every year, daddy has prepared his delicious caramel porc dish. Like every year, he was wearing new clothes on, and waiting his children and grand children with emotion, with traditional red envelops filled with money.

This year, we had to call Truc-Anh and Pénélope, who were in Vietnam. it is working well too.




I love this tradition that invites us to create this first week as we would like to live the whole year after.




So, like every year, no great resolutions, but rather simple actions, tenderness and support.




Like every year, but even more than ever, let us try to make more love.




I wish you a happy happy new year to you all.

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