Woman spreading

remember Monica

picture from Mister Hyde


“BUT naaaaaahhhhh you did not?  Monica you didn’t do that?!

– Well…yeah”

I have lots and lots of work (right now)(as well as) up until Christmas I have the desire for lighter posts.  I hope that at least we will be able to make a video but nothing is sure.  You do what you can with what you have.

So let me tell you about Monica.  I haven’t seen her in 5 years.  And you will get to see her soon around here.  We tell each others our life happening just like you do in those cases… with the excitement of rediscovering each other.

Monica is blond and youthful.  So youthful.  She looks like she is 25 years old.  She works between Paris and Milan, with big teams, big stakes, and huge…egos.

She just moved to Milan and arrived for a meeting with a new supplier. The fellow, like many other guys, held her a special welcome… ballsy

Legs spread open, hands on each side of his private parts.

A classic man spreading like we love them.  In all simplicity.

Without any idea of what he consciously had in mind.  But we already talked about the power of the body.  Of what he tells beyond the words.  At the same time this body that betrays you, makes you readable, totally transparent to your intentions.  So much that it’s sometimes irritating how “big” it is (and I am not talking about balls).

So the “strong man” welcomes the little youthful blond in his office.

The little fresh blond is wearing a skirt.

What would you have done?

Naaah for real?  What would be your reaction?  Personally, I would have been embarrassed, annoyed, and fully irritable. I just don’t know how to deal with it!

Well Monica, she pulls up a chair, places it in the front of the king, raises her skirt slightly, spread her legs wide open, puts her hands on each side of her vagina.  She looks at him straight in the eyes, gives him a big smile and says:

“I can do the same?”

Needless to say that the guy recomposed himself right away.  What followed is a great fruitful collaboration, a very respectful relationship between them.

What I love in this story is that it happened in a much simpler way, lighter and more powerful way than any other reaction (notably what mine would have been.)

I hear a lot of talks about goodwill lately.  And with this dialogue search, that includes those who are offending us, driving us crazy, making us doubt, we do whatever we can obviously, but we could also remember Monica who without emasculating the guy, told him very simply and fittingly who he was dealing with.

Because goodwill is sometimes difficult to apply, but so efficient in reality that it’s worth the shot to “train” ourselves or to exchange tips if need be, no?

Have a beautiful week end to all.

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