Daring Greatly
happy new year!
all my best wishes for this new year!
as you may know, i rather follow the vietnamese calendar, that is connected to the moon and sun (this year, it will be on Feb 16th). but still, it is always nice to send my greetings to you, who are more on the sunny side of the calendar!
on December 31ts, at 11:58pm, my friend who invited us to party, brought a tray full of candles. each one of them had its own tiny flag “happy new year” together with a blanck little sticker on which each of the guests had to write his or her wish for his or her “fucking me”! i found it was so beautiful. what to whish to oneself? one only wish.
so here it is, i will “dare greatly”. to persist in my self, as my friend Mathilde says (she has it from Spinoza… hahahaha). because yes, when you think of what to wish, to mainly think of a wish for others, for the world. i would like a world filled with love, light, compassion respect, greater consciousness. so now i have to wish something for myself… let s be an incarnation of love, light, compassion, respect, and greater consciousness. and these words are incredibly difficult to apply in life. at the end of the rooster year, i’ll make my balance sheet, but so far, the year has enabled me to touch both the profound will and incredible difficulty to dare be who I want to be. to show myself despite my “natural” programing, without waiting for any validation. to share with strength without forcing it. ahlalalalallala, so many teachings, so much exploration to go! i want to go further and deeper. in myself.
so here is my wish for myself, what would be yours for yourself? because, yes my friend is so right, everything begins with you!
peace and love to you all.
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