BANAUE, Philippines

Hello to all,


thank you for all the messages and the sharing.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  We are keeping it together!  From my side, I am doing a lot better.  At the same time some people close to me or not so close are burying a loved one these days.  I wanted to share this ballade with you but didn’t find it decent to talk about it too much.

This ballade, to the other side of the world, in the thousand years old rice patties of this little village only accessible by foot, nourished me.  And I hope it will have the same effect on you.  WE MUST SEND LOVE!!!

We’ll get back to Philippines as all the questions which are coming to mind about the “how to take care of the world.”  Don’t worry, I will be more talkative!

Thousand of kisses, again thank you, thank you!

PS: for all of you who want to go to Banaue, contact our guide, Irène.

Flako – Honey drips

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