
Colors of my journey

After several trials, Thomas, my dearest video editor, proposed me that marvelous work last week. I did not know when I would share it with you, since I was so excited with Sasha and our whole talk about sexuality. But to be honest, the Trump election and everything that is happening ever since has cut my “libido”, or so to say. I don’t really feel juicy.

Hopefully, there is always… love…

These 2 weeks in Corsica (damn it was already 3 months ago) were a very special moment, for him, for me, for us two. I was sick and was compelled not to do anything. He took everything in charge and together we did “nothing”. Contemplate, feel the water and the wind, smell the maquis, breathe and love.

It were our first holidays. Together.

And I thought, that if like me, you need to breath a little bit, see large horizons, and take strength again, so here we are…

maybe we could look at this video (again). Together.

With love

The Cinematic Orchestra – To Believe

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