Sasha Cobra

the Love Maker

Sasha, Sasha, Sashaaaaa!!!!!

We met about 6 months ago already (yes I am on the internet but too much in the moment!)  It was in London during her “Seeds of Transformation” seminar.  I will write a post at the end of the week to tell you about this experience… (i.e. I don’t have words to describe her)(even after 6 months!)

But prior to that, simply by listening to the beautiful Sasha, her words during our interview were slowly becoming like an exhale; there is a thousand things that come to mind and that I remember from her approach.

  1. Sexual energy is part of our essence

So I am not quite yet at the stage where I can say that I am “walking sex”, as Sasha thinks.  This said, maybe it might come!!!  However, this opened my eyes about the power and the beauty of this energy.

And then above all she made me understand that good sex is of the energetic kind.  And not the mental kind.  This is the reason why some couples can last in their sexuality (well I would like a few dozen years) without having to go thru the stage “okay, we are going to invite someone to add spice otherwise it’s getting boring there no?”  And it’s not a matter of friction either, of techniques, its not uniquely about desire, phantasms etc.  No this is an energy that you are born with, from within, an energy that connects you with yourself, then the other.

Uh… no frankly, isn’t this revolutionary?!


So actually, this is the idea of opening your chakras, letting the wild out, for this energy to circulate, to animate you, to make you love, and eventually have an orgasm.

Yes but…

2. Our society completely denies this energy

“At home” sex is either a laughing matter, we don’t talk about it, or it’s porn etc. It’s often tied to the unique quest of an orgasm.  There is also the option “I am waiting for the other to be done…!”  I know this is not how it is in your intimacy and that yours is great, but at the society level, it’s frightening… HELP!!!

Which combined with point 1, makes it visible everywhere (commercial, movies, any encounter, etc.)  A coaching friend once told me: all vital engines, internal, essential, that cannot express itself virtuously, is going to express itself viciously.  It’s a fundamental rule, which in this case reveals itself so truly I think.


I remember an interview of Deniz Gamze Ergüven, the Mustang director, which said that there was a college in Turkey, where girls were forbidden to walk up stairs at the same time as the boys in school because it was a little bit olé olé.  Obviously I also think about my friend Bouziane (whom by the way was just knighted by the Arts and Letters order… BRAVO!!!); Yes, Bouziane talked to us about sexuality of substitution of which he was unfortunately a victim as a child…


By wanting to remove, repress or suppress something vital, you end up showcasing it everywhere.  It becomes an unhealthy obsession, which can turn violent, even super violent (we talked about it a lot during the Nice terrorist attack.)

At the individual scale, you know how much you feel good after making love.  So at the societal scale… Yes evidently you can hold a society (by the balls) if you remove sexuality.

3. Orgasm is a healing modality

When I talk about it with friends, whatever is their type or orientation, notably when I was single, we tell ourselves “oh it feels good”, “it resets the clock back” etc… We all have the intuitive feeling of this profound wellbeing that you feel in bed.  But Sasha goes farther.  To have good sexual energy pushes away bad energy from your body wherever it is, notably old files that your body has carefully stored.

But this is for the next post.  I will tell you about my seminar on the “orgasmic body ” or not?!

This was my 4th OUT OF THE BOX portrait and I hope that you liked it as much as the others, do not hesitate to share it!

Love to all!

King – Supernatural

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